Archive for August, 2009

14th August
written by Blue

Two items of news concerning Wilf:

  1. The insurance company has declared it a total loss which means they’ve decided to pay up. The argument now will be over a valuation, but I can back up the value of the bike by a PDF print of the MCN used bikes of that model for sale earlier this week that were all well over £4,000. We shall see.
  2. Talking of total losses, the Metropolitan Police have written to me to say that due to the lack of evidence they’ve dropped the investigation. Hmm. I wonder if the lack of evidence is as a result of the lack of any investigation? They decided not to send SOCOs to fingerprint anything and they didn’t send any officers to talk to the neighbours. Too much like hard work, I suppose…
5th August
written by Blue

I’ve just got in after almost a fortnight away and decided to check the garage before heading off to bed.

The Gixxer has gone: stolen. The remnants of the padlock which had been bolt-cropped are still there but the thieving bastards even took the Abus chain with them. The Met. Police have been telephoned and should be in touch within the 24-48 hours to process it. I mentioned the lock and that they might be able to do something with the bits but the operator was non-committal… I doubt they’ll even bother interviewing the neighbours, even though one is almost always there. It has been alpha-dotted and marked with SmartWater, so who knows? Maybe I’ll get lucky and get it back.

So if you’re offered a low-mileage, immaculate 2004 Suzuki GSX-R750K4 engine number R741-100646 VIN/frame number JS1B3111200100375 it’s mine!